About Docs in Leadership from Our Founder
Beyond Role Modeling
Inherent to being a healthcare provider is being a leader. Leading our patients towards better health however, is different than leading within systems, whether managing private offices, working in health organizations, or influencing broader policies and negotiations.
At a time when healthcare is struggling and respect for our profession feels like it’s dwindling day by day, the need for physicians, nurses and fellow healthcare professionals to have meaningful voices at all system levels has never been more important. To be effective, key competencies in leadership and emotional intelligence are essential.
Most healthcare providers gain leadership competencies by modeling mentors who learned the same way, and often with little to no emotional intelligence training. Docs in Leadership programs go beyond role modeling and provide formalized curriculum in leadership and emotional intelligence based on best practices. By presenting this curriculum to medical trainees, we shape our leaders and advocates for the future. By presenting this curriculum to healthcare professionals-in-practice, we merge experience with theory and enhance our capabilities as advocates for today.
As a surgeon, award-winning medical educator, national academic leader, best selling author, certified healthcare executive, certified emotional intelligence coach, and certified mental performance facilitator, my mission is to develop emotionally resilient healthcare providers, educators, and leaders by empowering them with strategies for excellence while maintaining well-being. The more we understand, engage and advocate together the better off our profession will be as healthcare professionals for our patients and systems overall.
Dr. Nina Ahuja, BScHons MD FRCSC CHE
Founder, Docs in Leadership